We talked for hours yesterday and I didn't realised that I did this.
I've been through so many unexpected things lately. Banyak benda pelik-pelik woh. Benda yang boleh bikin jantung gugur some more. Hows that? and the most recent one ended up me shedding tears in the middle of night. Yes, when you're super tired after a long day at work and you're in deep sleep after that, its the shock that makes your brain didnt function normally and that leads me to cry like a baby. But after I thought about it, I shouldnt have to actually. Its not my fault afterall and laugh about it the following day.
The good thing about it, I did learn a lot. Yes true that. I have to expect more of the never unexpected thing, when I guess I did enough all this while.
Thanks to the people that lending their ears listening to the story about the not so unlucky me. My super sporting colleagues and yes, my boss too. Call saya sampai almost kena saman dengan polis. Lawak sungguh la. Hey, I told about it and just wanna say it again, I would never ask for any other boss. Honestly.
Ga..the unlucky me. Maybe theres something wrong with me kot.Patut kena mandi bunga ni. Haha. Anyhoo . Maybe tak cukup bersyukur rasanya. Tak solat dengan baik. Tak baca Quran enough when my mom never fail to remind me to recite it every time after solah. Kat kampung boleh je jadi rajin tapi balik sini semua jadi malas. Huhu.
Eh, tapi bunga smells good. Kalau mandi bunga mesti badan jadi wangi kan. Mau buatlah gini.
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