1. Pindah workstation.
Bilik baru ni adalah sangat sejuk ok. I really cant stand coldness la. Boleh menggigil non stop at certain degrees. Hari tu, lepas duk bertapa lama dalam bilik sendiri, suddenly bos panggil masuk bila, seriously bilik dia lagi sejuk. Dengan air blows semua. I was literally shivering at that time. Gilalah. How you people can stand being in cold. Nampak sangat saya tak boleh hidup kat negara bukan oo la la tropika. Baru sejuk sikit dah tak tahan. Plus I barely have lemak la kan. Really I should wear something like this la..

walawei..hari-hari adalah winter kalau gini! Even my bos suggested to the other bos that I need fur jacket. Hahaha!
2. Pindah warehouse
Ok. Cerita on last entry. So, i was really tiring lah. 5 trips of 10 tonnes lorry. Plus 3 trips with 3 tonnes lorry. Imagine how much stuff we had in that old warehouse. Itupun banyak lagi benda-benda bersepah and all the craps tinggal dalam tu. Kalau jual semua tu mau boleh shopping dengan gembira dekat Ikea. Rasa kaya sekejap.
3. Pindah Rumah
Pindah untuk lebih dekat ke ofis. Plus my sister kena transfer jauhhhhhhhhhh. So cant stay at the house anymore. Plus (+) the owner wanted to renovate the house. Its the time to move out la kan. So the new house is less grand but I have bigger room and I keep thinking waht else should I put in that room. Rasa banyak empty room sebab barang tak banyak and the other 2 housemates are very nice too. So, oklah tu kan..dekat dengan ofis, jimat minyak. Hua hua!
*gambar dari SINI. Danke!
3. Pindah Rumah
Pindah untuk lebih dekat ke ofis. Plus my sister kena transfer jauhhhhhhhhhh. So cant stay at the house anymore. Plus (+) the owner wanted to renovate the house. Its the time to move out la kan. So the new house is less grand but I have bigger room and I keep thinking waht else should I put in that room. Rasa banyak empty room sebab barang tak banyak and the other 2 housemates are very nice too. So, oklah tu kan..dekat dengan ofis, jimat minyak. Hua hua!
*gambar dari SINI. Danke!
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