1. Amazing race Asia is on. Time for adrenaline rush again. Of course I'm rooting for the Malaysia team esp Ethan and Khairie (which I dont really put high hopes when I first saw them) but it turns out that they're doing pretty good. Came in first for 2 times as per now, I bet they'll be in final three. You go boys!
2. I have 4 bosses and I have a meeting with my this particular boss every week. The thing is, my bos' room is not next to mine. It is more than 30km away. So I have to drive back and forth to Shah Alam on Tuesday or wednesday just to meet him. I dont mind meeting him at all. I just hate to drive. I dont know, I'm getting lazier each day to drive and everytime I'm driving, I just want to arrive faster than ever. I'll mumbling to myself if car in front of me is too slow and I think its ridiculous to drive slow in main road. I wish I have a driver because I'm so lazy to drive. Boleh? I even wish my house is just next to my office (like when I was in Cheras, my apartment is literally next to my office..haha!) so I just can walk leisurely to work. Ngeh!
3. Oh, I've service my little car last saturday. My appointment was at 1pm, so I arrived at the service centre few minutes before 1. Since I had heavy breakfast earlier I dont mind delaying my lunch for sometime. And the guy at the counter said, the service will take around 1.5 hours. Ok, 1.5 hours is not really big deal so I'll wait. The thing is, my car was left unattended until 1.30pm. 30 minutes had gone without doing anything. They not even finished at 2.30 and I asked the guy at the counter. All I can say he didnt really helping at all. I was left wondering what happened and I was really pissed-off at that time. They only finished 15 minutes after 3 and just after that baru terhegeh-hegeh key in the record on the computer to print the receipt. I was already hungry, I didnt perform my zuhur prayer yet (I went to the surau and the telekung is no to avail) and I was teribally pissed off with the service. I made the payment (there goes my 200++) and left without saying thank you. Haha. I'm sorry but hungry man woman is really an angry man woman. But thank god the car turned out to be okay. No more funny sounds every morning when I start the engine and everything seems smooth now but i still dont fancy driving at all and i dont know what happend to me.
4. Saya batuk dan batuk cough cough sekarang. Mula sebab tolong akak kemas barang dia hari tu la. Angkat sana, pindah situ, tentulah banyak habuk dan debu segala. Ada yang sempat menyelinap dalam lubang hidung buat saya tebersin achim achim banyak kali. Lepas tu hidung tersumbat and got runny nose at the same time. Tak lama rasa tekak dah perit lain macam, dah tau dah tu selalunya signal nak dapat batuk. But dont really bother. Still selamba saja belasah minuman berais. Padan muka, sekarang dah batuk. Everytime batuk, akan batuk bersungguh-sungguh sampai sakit-sakit kepala. Hopefully it wont last long. Time of the month and batuk dont match at all. Dont ask me to swallow cough syrup because I really cant. Memang tak boleh. Confirm akan keluar semula.
5. Mimi Masod, kucing kakak saya is no longer here. Dia sudah balik kampung. Duduk dengan ayah. Tapi saya masih lagi teringat kadang-kadang. Saya ada some sort of compartment, yang ada zip, yang saya letak baju-baju saya yang jarang dipakai. Dulu, Si Mimi, pantang betul kalau pintu bilik saya tak ditutup, dia akan masuk laju-laju tak sempat saya nak tangkap. Menyelinap sana sini. Tahap curiousity sangat tinggi betul. Dia paling suka menyempit dalam closet atau compartment saya tu. Kalau tak tutup betul-betul, jagalah. Tau-tau saja dia hilang dalam timbunan kain. Bergulung-gulung. Lepas tu bulu melekat pada baju. Haih! Marah betul. Sekarang, albeit she is no longer here, saya still paranoia bila compartment atau closet tak ditutup betul-betul. Takut dia masuk dan bergulung-gulung dengan kain baju. But she is no longer here, and I'll laugh at myself afterwards. haha.
Oh my! twenty what???!!!
Oh wait. I need to put this on.

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